Incident Types- Editing in Access

Actual Incident Types

Opens the table of Actual Incident Types tblIncidentTypeActual for editing.

Field IncidentType contains an incident code. This is the basis of the filter for Actual Incident types.

Original Incident Types

Opens the table of Original Incident Types tblIncidentTypeOriginal for editing.

  • Field IncidentType contains an incident code. In addition to the ‘real’ incident codes there must also be a code “*”.
  • Field IncidentCategory enter a category from the drop-down box, i.e. Primary or Secondary.

Incident - Vehicle Mapping

Opens the table which defines what types of incidents a class of vehicle can attend tblVehicleIncidentAssociation.

This is only for vehicles that are not special-request.

If a vehicle can attend all incident types then it must be assigned the incident type “*”. If it can attend only certain incidents, then these must be listed here, row-by-row.

Incident Categories

Opens the table defining the Incident Categories tblIncidentCategories. It is necessary to define a unique ‘key’, e.g. 1, 2, etc. and a user-friendly name such as ‘Primary’.

Incident Response Times

Opens the table defining Target Response Times for incidents of a specific category. For each Category it is necessary to define Response Times against Vehicle Arriving Position.


Row IncidentCategoryPk VehicleArrivingPosition ResponseTime TargetType
1 Fire 1 5 minutes Absolute
2 Alarm 3 10 minutes Absolute
3 Hazmat 1 20 minutes Relative

IncidentCategory: This is derived from the tblIncidentCategories (see above) e.g. Fire, Hazmat etc

VehicleArrivingPosition refers to all vehicles up to this position from a lower defined position, i.e. VehicleArrivalPosition=1 sets the time for the 1st vehicle, VehicleArrivalPosition=3 sets the time for the 2nd and 3rd vehicles as it ‘sits’ above VehicleArrivalPosition=1.

Row 1: This defines the target time for the 1st appliance to be 5 minutes for a Primary incident.

Row 2: This defines the target time of 10 minutes for appliances up to and including the 3rd appliance for a Primary incident.

Row 3: This defines the target time for the 1st appliance to be 20 minutes for a Secondary incident.

TargetType: Can be either ‘Absolute’ or ‘Relative’

  • Absolute is the time taken from the appliance was assigned until it was in attendance

  • Relative only applies to second and subsequent arrivals and is relative to the first appliance in attendance